Interface IRCConstants

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
IRCEventAdapter, IRCUtil

public interface IRCConstants

Contains constants: reply codes, error codes and mIRC color codes.

Christoph Schwering <>
See Also:
IRCEventListener.onError(int, String), IRCEventListener.onReply(int, String, String)

Field Summary
          This is part of the mIRC code and shows that a PRIVMSG is an ACTION (/me).
static char BOLD_INDICATOR
          This is part of the mIRC code and shows that bold starts / ends.
          This is part of the mIRC code and shows that bold, underline and colors end.
          This is part of the mIRC code and shows that a color-code starts / ends.
          This is part of the mIRC code and indicates that the client's colors are reversed (background -> foreground and foreground -> background).
          Format: "You may not reregister".
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+k)".
          Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+b)".
          Format: "<channel name> Cannot send to channel".
          Format: "You cant kill a server!".
          Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+l)".
          Format: "<channel> You're not channel operator".
          Format: "<nick> Erroneus nickname".
static int ERR_FILEERROR
          Format: "File error doing <file op> on <file>".
          Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+i)".
static int ERR_KEYSET
          Format: "<channel> Channel key already set".
          Format: "<command> Not enough parameters".
          Format: "<nick> Nickname collision KILL".
          Format: "<nick> Nickname is already in use".
          Format: "<server> No administrative info available".
static int ERR_NOLOGIN
          Format: "<user> User not logged in".
static int ERR_NOMOTD
          Format: "MOTD File is missing".
          Format: "No nickname given".
          Format: "No O-lines for your host".
static int ERR_NOORIGIN
          Format: "No origin specified".
          Format: "Your host isn't among the privileged".
          Format: "Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator".
          Format: "No recipient given (<command>)".
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          Format: "<channel name> No such channel".
          Used to indicate the nickname parameter supplied to a command is currently unused.
          Format: "<server name> No such server".
          Format: "No text to send".
          Format: "<channel> You're not on that channel".
          Format: "<mask> No toplevel domain specified".
          Format: "You have not registered".
          Format: "Password incorrect".
          Format: "SUMMON has been disabled".
          Format: "<channel name> You have joined too many channels".
          Format: "<target> Duplicate recipients.
          Format: "Unknown MODE flag".
          Format: "<command> Unknown command".
          Format: "<char> is unknown mode char to me".
          Format: "<nick> <channel> They aren't on that channel".
          Format: "<user> <channel> is already on channel".
          Format: "USERS has been disabled".
          Format: "Cant change mode for other users".
          Format: "<nickname> There was no such nickname".
          Format: "<mask> Wildcard in toplevel domain".
          Format: "You are banned from this server".
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          Format: "<admin info>".
static int RPL_ADMINLOC1
          Format: "<admin info>".
static int RPL_ADMINLOC2
          Format: "<admin info>".
static int RPL_ADMINME
          Format: "<server> Administrative info".
static int RPL_AUTHNAME
          Format: "<nick> <authname> is authed as"
This is part of /WHOIS on many servers which provide bots to authenticate.
static int RPL_AWAY
          Format: "<nick> <away message>".
static int RPL_BANLIST
          Format: "<channel> <banid>".
          Format: "<channel> <mode> <mode params>".
static int RPL_CLOSEEND
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
static int RPL_CLOSING
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
static int RPL_CREATED
          Usually the first replies when you're connected.
          Format: "<channel> End of channel ban list".
static int RPL_ENDOFINFO
          Format: "End of /INFO list".
          Format: "<mask> End of /LINKS list".
static int RPL_ENDOFMOTD
          Format: "End of /MOTD command".
          Format: "<channel> End of /NAMES list".
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          Format: "<stats letter> End of /STATS report".
          Format: "End of users".
static int RPL_ENDOFWHO
          Format: "<name> End of /WHO list".
          Format: "<nick> End of /WHOIS list".
          Format: "<nick> End of WHOWAS".
static int RPL_INFO
          Format: "<string>".
static int RPL_INFOSTART
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
static int RPL_INVITING
          Format: "<channel> <nick>".
static int RPL_ISON
          Format: "[<nick> {<space><nick>}]".
static int RPL_ISUPPORT
          Usually the first replies when you're connected.
static int RPL_KILLDONE
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
static int RPL_LINKS
          Format: "<mask> <server> <hopcount> <server info>".
static int RPL_LIST
          Format: "<channel> <# visible> <topic>".
static int RPL_LISTEND
          Format: "End of /LIST".
static int RPL_LISTSTART
          Format: "Channel Users Name".
          Format: "<integer> channels formed".
          Format: "There are <integer> users and <integer> invisible on <integer> servers".
static int RPL_LUSERME
          Format: "I have <integer> clients and <integer> servers".
static int RPL_LUSEROP
          Format: "<integer> operator(s) online".
          Format: "<integer> unknown connection(s)".
static int RPL_MOTD
          Format: "- <text>".
static int RPL_MOTDSTART
          Format: "- <server> Message of the day - ".
static int RPL_MYINFO
          Usually the first replies when you're connected.
static int RPL_MYPORTIS
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
static int RPL_NAMREPLY
          Format: "<channel> [[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]".
static int RPL_NONE
          Dummy reply number.
static int RPL_NOTOPIC
          Format: "<channel> No topic is set".
static int RPL_NOUSERS
          Format: "Nobody logged in".
static int RPL_NOWAWAY
          Format: "You have been marked as being away".
static int RPL_REHASHING
          Format: "<config file> Rehashing".
static int RPL_SERVICE
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
static int RPL_SERVLIST
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          Format: "C <host> * <name> <port> <class>".
          Format: "<command> <count>".
          Format: "H <hostmask> * <servername>".
          Format: "I <host> * <host> <port> <class>".
          Format: "K <host> * <username> <port> <class>".
          Format: "<linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> <sent bytes> <received messages> <received bytes> <time open>".
          Format: "L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth>".
          Format: "N <host> * <name> <port> <class>".
          Format: "O <hostmask> * <name>"
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          Format: "Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d".
          Format: "Y <class> <ping frequency> <connect frequency> <max sendq>".
static int RPL_SUMMONING
          Format: "<user> Summoning user to IRC".
static int RPL_TIME
          Format: "<server> <string showing server's local time>".
static int RPL_TOPIC
          Format: "<channel> <topic>".
static int RPL_TOPICINFO
          Format: "<channel> <nick-who-set-topic> <seconds>".
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
          Format: "Try.
          Format: "H.S.
static int RPL_TRACELINK
          Format: "Link <version & debug level> <destination> <next server>".
static int RPL_TRACELOG
          Format: "File <logfile> <debug level>".
          Format: "<newtype> 0 <client name>".
          Format: "Oper <class> <nick>".
          Format: "Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> <nick!
          Format: "????
static int RPL_TRACEUSER
          Format: "User <class> <nick>".
static int RPL_UMODEIS
          Format: "<user mode string>".
static int RPL_UNAWAY
          Format: "You are no longer marked as being away".
static int RPL_USERHOST
          Format: "[<reply>{<space><reply>}]".
static int RPL_USERS
          Format: "%-8s %-9s %-8s".
          Format: "UserID Terminal Host".
static int RPL_VERSION
          Format: "<version>.
static int RPL_WELCOME
          Usually the first replies when you're connected.
          Format: "<nick> {[@|+]<channel><space>}".
          This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.
static int RPL_WHOISIDLE
          Format: "<nick> <integer> seconds idle".
          Format: "<nick> is an IRC operator".
          Format: "<nick> <server> <server info>".
static int RPL_WHOISUSER
          Format: "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>".
static int RPL_WHOREPLY
          Format: "<channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][@|+] <hopcount> <real name>".
          Format: "<nick> <user> <host> * <real name>".
static int RPL_YOUREOPER
          Format: "You are now an IRC operator".
static int RPL_YOURHOST
          Usually the first replies when you're connected.
          This is part of the mIRC code and shows that bold starts / ends.

Field Detail


public static final int RPL_WELCOME
Usually the first replies when you're connected.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_YOURHOST
Usually the first replies when you're connected.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_CREATED
Usually the first replies when you're connected.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_MYINFO
Usually the first replies when you're connected.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ISUPPORT
Usually the first replies when you're connected.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOSUCHNICK
Used to indicate the nickname parameter supplied to a command is currently unused.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOSUCHSERVER
Format: "<server name> No such server".
Used to indicate the server name given currently doesn't exist.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL
Format: "<channel name> No such channel".
Used to indicate the given channel name is invalid.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN
Format: "<channel name> Cannot send to channel".
Sent to a user who is either (a) not on a channel which is mode +n or (b) not a chanop (or mode +v) on a channel which has mode +m set and is trying to send a PRIVMSG message to that channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS
Format: "<channel name> You have joined too many channels".
Sent to a user when they have joined the maximum number of allowed channels and they try to join another channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK
Format: "<nickname> There was no such nickname".
Returned by WHOWAS to indicate there is no history information for that nickname.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS
Format: "<target> Duplicate recipients. No message delivered".
Returned to a client which is attempting to send a PRIVMSG/NOTICE using the user@host destination format and for a user@host which has several occurrences.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOORIGIN
Format: "No origin specified".
PING or PONG message missing the originator parameter which is required since these commands must work without valid prefixes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NORECIPIENT
Format: "No recipient given (<command>)".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND
Format: "No text to send".
412 - 414 are returned by PRIVMSG to indicate that the message wasn't delivered for some reason. ERR_NOTOPLEVEL and ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL are errors that are returned when an invalid use of "PRIVMSG $<server>" or "PRIVMSG #<host>" is attempted.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOTOPLEVEL
Format: "<mask> No toplevel domain specified".
412 - 414 are returned by PRIVMSG to indicate that the message wasn't delivered for some reason. ERR_NOTOPLEVEL and ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL are errors that are returned when an invalid use of "PRIVMSG $<server>" or "PRIVMSG #<host>" is attempted.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL
Format: "<mask> Wildcard in toplevel domain".
412 - 414 are returned by PRIVMSG to indicate that the message wasn't delivered for some reason. ERR_NOTOPLEVEL and ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL are errors that are returned when an invalid use of "PRIVMSG $<server>" or "PRIVMSG #<host>" is attempted.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND
Format: "<command> Unknown command".
Returned to a registered client to indicate that the command sent is unknown by the server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOMOTD
Format: "MOTD File is missing".
Server's MOTD file could not be opened by the server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOADMININFO
Format: "<server> No administrative info available".
Returned by a server in response to an ADMIN message when there is an error in finding the appropriate information.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_FILEERROR
Format: "File error doing <file op> on <file>".
Generic error message used to report a failed file operation during the processing of a message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN
Format: "No nickname given".
Returned when a nickname parameter expected for a command and isn't found.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME
Format: "<nick> Erroneus nickname".
Returned after receiving a NICK message which contains characters which do not fall in the defined set. See section x.x.x for details on valid nicknames.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE
Format: "<nick> Nickname is already in use".
Returned when a NICK message is processed that results in an attempt to change to a currently existing nickname.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NICKCOLLISION
Format: "<nick> Nickname collision KILL".
Returned by a server to a client when it detects a nickname collision (registered of a NICK that already exists by another server).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL
Format: "<nick> <channel> They aren't on that channel".
Returned by the server to indicate that the target user of the command is not on the given channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOTONCHANNEL
Format: "<channel> You're not on that channel".
Returned by the server whenever a client tries to perform a channel effecting command for which the client isn't a member.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_USERONCHANNEL
Format: "<user> <channel> is already on channel".
Returned when a client tries to invite a user to a channel they are already on.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOLOGIN
Format: "<user> User not logged in".
Returned by the summon after a SUMMON command for a user was unable to be performed since they were not logged in.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_SUMMONDISABLED
Format: "SUMMON has been disabled".
Returned as a response to the SUMMON command. Must be returned by any server which does not implement it.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_USERSDISABLED
Format: "USERS has been disabled".
Returned as a response to the USERS command. Must be returned by any server which does not implement it.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOTREGISTERED
Format: "You have not registered".
Returned by the server to indicate that the client must be registered before the server will allow it to be parsed in detail.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS
Format: "<command> Not enough parameters".
Returned by the server by numerous commands to indicate to the client that it didn't supply enough parameters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED
Format: "You may not reregister".
Returned by the server to any link which tries to change part of the registered details (such as password or user details from second USER message).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOPERMFORHOST
Format: "Your host isn't among the privileged".
Returned to a client which attempts to register with a server which does not been setup to allow connections from the host the attempted connection is tried.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH
Format: "Password incorrect".
Returned to indicate a failed attempt at registering a connection for which a password was required and was either not given or incorrect.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP
Format: "You are banned from this server".
Returned after an attempt to connect and register yourself with a server which has been setup to explicitly deny connections to you.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_KEYSET
Format: "<channel> Channel key already set".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_CHANNELISFULL
Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+l)".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_UNKNOWNMODE
Format: "<char> is unknown mode char to me".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN
Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+i)".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN
Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+b)".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_BADCHANNELKEY
Format: "<channel> Cannot join channel (+k)".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOPRIVILEGES
Format: "Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator". Any command requiring operator privileges to operate must return this error to indicate the attempt was unsuccessful.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED
Format: "<channel> You're not channel operator".
Any command requiring 'chanop' privileges (such as MODE messages) must return this error if the client making the attempt is not a chanop on the specified channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_CANTKILLSERVER
Format: "You cant kill a server!".
Any attempts to use the KILL command on a server are to be refused and this error returned directly to the client.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOOPERHOST
Format: "No O-lines for your host".
If a client sends an OPER message and the server has not been configured to allow connections from the client's host as an operator, this error must be returned.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG
Format: "Unknown MODE flag".
Returned by the server to indicate that a MODE message was sent with a nickname parameter and that the a mode flag sent was not recognized.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_USERSDONTMATCH
Format: "Cant change mode for other users".
Error sent to any user trying to view or change the user mode for a user other than themselves.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_NONE
Dummy reply number. Not used.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_USERHOST
Format: "[<reply>{<space><reply>}]".
Reply format used by USERHOST to list replies to the query list. The reply string is composed as follows:
<reply> ::= <nick>['*'] '=' <'+'|'-'><hostname>
The '*' indicates whether the client has registered as an Operator. The '-' or '+' characters represent whether the client has set an AWAY message or not respectively.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ISON
Format: "[<nick> {<space><nick>}]".
Reply format used by ISON to list replies to the query list.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_AWAY
Format: "<nick> <away message>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_UNAWAY
Format: "You are no longer marked as being away".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_NOWAWAY
Format: "You have been marked as being away".
These replies are used with the AWAY command (if allowed). RPL_AWAY is sent to any client sending a PRIVMSG to a client which is away. RPL_AWAY is only sent by the server to which the client is connected. Replies RPL_UNAWAY and RPL_NOWAWAY are sent when the client removes and sets an AWAY message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOISUSER
Format: "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>".
Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that there are enough parameters present, the answering server must either formulate a reply out of the above numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card. For each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear more than once (for long lists of channel names). The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name indicate whether a client is a channel operator or has been granted permission to speak on a moderated channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark the end of processing a WHOIS message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOISSERVER
Format: "<nick> <server> <server info>".
Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that there are enough parameters present, the answering server must either formulate a reply out of the above numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card. For each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear more than once (for long lists of channel names). The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name indicate whether a client is a channel operator or has been granted permission to speak on a moderated channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark the end of processing a WHOIS message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOISOPERATOR
Format: "<nick> is an IRC operator".
Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that there are enough parameters present, the answering server must either formulate a reply out of the above numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card. For each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear more than once (for long lists of channel names). The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name indicate whether a client is a channel operator or has been granted permission to speak on a moderated channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark the end of processing a WHOIS message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOISIDLE
Format: "<nick> <integer> seconds idle".
Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that there are enough parameters present, the answering server must either formulate a reply out of the above numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card. For each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear more than once (for long lists of channel names). The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name indicate whether a client is a channel operator or has been granted permission to speak on a moderated channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark the end of processing a WHOIS message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFWHOIS
Format: "<nick> End of /WHOIS list".
Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that there are enough parameters present, the answering server must either formulate a reply out of the above numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card. For each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear more than once (for long lists of channel names). The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name indicate whether a client is a channel operator or has been granted permission to speak on a moderated channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark the end of processing a WHOIS message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOISCHANNELS
Format: "<nick> {[@|+]<channel><space>}".
Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that there are enough parameters present, the answering server must either formulate a reply out of the above numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card. For each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear more than once (for long lists of channel names). The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name indicate whether a client is a channel operator or has been granted permission to speak on a moderated channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark the end of processing a WHOIS message.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOWASUSER
Format: "<nick> <user> <host> * <real name>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS
Format: "<nick> End of WHOWAS".
When replying to a WHOWAS message, a server must use the replies RPL_WHOWASUSER, RPL_WHOISSERVER or ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK for each nickname in the presented list. At the end of all reply batches, there must be RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS (even if there was only one reply and it was an error).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LISTSTART
Format: "Channel Users Name".
Replies RPL_LISTSTART, RPL_LIST, RPL_LISTEND mark the start, actual replies with data and end of the server's response to a LIST command. If there are no channels available to return, only the start and end reply must be sent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LIST
Format: "<channel> <# visible> <topic>".
Replies RPL_LISTSTART, RPL_LIST, RPL_LISTEND mark the start, actual replies with data and end of the server's response to a LIST command. If there are no channels available to return, only the start and end reply must be sent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LISTEND
Format: "End of /LIST".
Replies RPL_LISTSTART, RPL_LIST, RPL_LISTEND mark the start, actual replies with data and end of the server's response to a LIST command. If there are no channels available to return, only the start and end reply must be sent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_CHANNELMODEIS
Format: "<channel> <mode> <mode params>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_AUTHNAME
Format: "<nick> <authname> is authed as"
This is part of /WHOIS on many servers which provide bots to authenticate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_NOTOPIC
Format: "<channel> No topic is set".
When sending a TOPIC message to determine the channel topic, one of two replies is sent. If the topic is set, RPL_TOPIC is sent back else public static final int RPL_NOTOPIC.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TOPIC
Format: "<channel> <topic>".
When sending a TOPIC message to determine the channel topic, one of two replies is sent. If the topic is set, RPL_TOPIC is sent back else public static final int RPL_NOTOPIC.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TOPICINFO
Format: "<channel> <nick-who-set-topic> <seconds>". The seconds are not milliseconds; just multiply it with 1000 and then format a date with it.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_INVITING
Format: "<channel> <nick>".
Returned by the server to indicate that the attempted INVITE message was successful and is being passed onto the end client.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_SUMMONING
Format: "<user> Summoning user to IRC".
Returned by a server answering a SUMMON message to indicate that it is summoning that user.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_VERSION
Format: "<version>.<debuglevel> <server> <comments>".
Reply by the server showing its version details. The <version> is the version of the software being used (including any patchlevel revisions) and the <debuglevel> is used to indicate if the server is running in "debug mode".
The "comments" field may contain any comments about the version or further version details.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOREPLY
Format: "<channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][@|+] <hopcount> <real name>".
The RPL_WHOREPLY and RPL_ENDOFWHO pair are used to answer a WHO message. The RPL_WHOREPLY is only sent if there is an appropriate match to the WHO query. If there is a list of parameters supplied with a WHO message, a RPL_ENDOFWHO must be sent after processing each list item with <name> being the item.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFWHO
Format: "<name> End of /WHO list".
The RPL_WHOREPLY and RPL_ENDOFWHO pair are used to answer a WHO message. The RPL_WHOREPLY is only sent if there is an appropriate match to the WHO query. If there is a list of parameters supplied with a WHO message, a RPL_ENDOFWHO must be sent after processing each list item with <name> being the item.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_NAMREPLY
Format: "<channel> [[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]".
To reply to a NAMES message, a reply pair consisting of RPL_NAMREPLY and RPL_ENDOFNAMES is sent by the server back to the client. If there is no channel found as in the query, then only RPL_ENDOFNAMES is returned. The exception to this is when a NAMES message is sent with no parameters and all visible channels and contents are sent back in a series of RPL_NAMEREPLY messages with a RPL_ENDOFNAMES to mark the end.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFNAMES
Format: "<channel> End of /NAMES list".
To reply to a NAMES message, a reply pair consisting of RPL_NAMREPLY and RPL_ENDOFNAMES is sent by the server back to the client. If there is no channel found as in the query, then only RPL_ENDOFNAMES is returned. The exception to this is when a NAMES message is sent with no parameters and all visible channels and contents are sent back in a series of RPL_NAMEREPLY messages with a RPL_ENDOFNAMES to mark the end.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LINKS
Format: "<mask> <server> <hopcount> <server info>".
In replying to the LINKS message, a server must send replies back using the RPL_LINKS numeric and mark the end of the list using an RPL_ENDOFLINKS reply.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFLINKS
Format: "<mask> End of /LINKS list".
In replying to the LINKS message, a server must send replies back using the RPL_LINKS numeric and mark the end of the list using an RPL_ENDOFLINKS reply.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_BANLIST
Format: "<channel> <banid>".
When listing the active 'bans' for a given channel, a server is required to send the list back using the RPL_BANLIST and RPL_ENDOFBANLIST messages. A separate RPL_BANLIST is sent for each active banid. After the banids have been listed (or if none present) a RPL_ENDOFBANLIST must be sent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFBANLIST
Format: "<channel> End of channel ban list".
When listing the active 'bans' for a given channel, a server is required to send the list back using the RPL_BANLIST and RPL_ENDOFBANLIST messages. A separate RPL_BANLIST is sent for each active banid. After the banids have been listed (or if none present) a RPL_ENDOFBANLIST must be sent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_INFO
Format: "<string>".
A server responding to an INFO message is required to send all its 'info' in a series of RPL_INFO messages with a RPL_ENDOFINFO reply to indicate the end of the replies.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFINFO
Format: "End of /INFO list".
A server responding to an INFO message is required to send all its 'info' in a series of RPL_INFO messages with a RPL_ENDOFINFO reply to indicate the end of the replies.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_MOTDSTART
Format: "- <server> Message of the day - ".
When responding to the MOTD message and the MOTD file is found, the file is displayed line by line, with each line no longer than 80 characters, using RPL_MOTD format replies. These should be surrounded by a RPL_MOTDSTART (before the RPL_MOTDs) and an RPL_ENDOFMOTD (after).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_MOTD
Format: "- <text>".
When responding to the MOTD message and the MOTD file is found, the file is displayed line by line, with each line no longer than 80 characters, using RPL_MOTD format replies. These should be surrounded by a RPL_MOTDSTART (before the RPL_MOTDs) and an RPL_ENDOFMOTD (after).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFMOTD
Format: "End of /MOTD command".
When responding to the MOTD message and the MOTD file is found, the file is displayed line by line, with each line no longer than 80 characters, using RPL_MOTD format replies. These should be surrounded by a RPL_MOTDSTART (before the RPL_MOTDs) and an RPL_ENDOFMOTD (after).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_YOUREOPER
Format: "You are now an IRC operator".
RPL_YOUREOPER is sent back to a client which has just successfully issued an OPER message and gained operator status.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_REHASHING
Format: "<config file> Rehashing".
If the REHASH option is used and an operator sends a REHASH message, an RPL_REHASHING is sent back to the operator.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TIME
Format: "<server> <string showing server's local time>".
When replying to the TIME message, a server must send the reply using the RPL_TIME format above. The string showing the time need only contain the correct day and time there. There is no further requirement for the time string.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_USERSSTART
Format: "UserID Terminal Host".
If the USERS message is handled by a server, the replies RPL_USERSTART, RPL_USERS, RPL_ENDOFUSERS and RPL_NOUSERS are used. RPL_USERSSTART must be sent first, following by either a sequence of RPL_USERS or a single RPL_NOUSER. Following this is RPL_ENDOFUSERS.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_USERS
Format: "%-8s %-9s %-8s".
If the USERS message is handled by a server, the replies RPL_USERSTART, RPL_USERS, RPL_ENDOFUSERS and RPL_NOUSERS are used. RPL_USERSSTART must be sent first, following by either a sequence of RPL_USERS or a single RPL_NOUSER. Following this is RPL_ENDOFUSERS.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFUSERS
Format: "End of users".
If the USERS message is handled by a server, the replies RPL_USERSTART, RPL_USERS, RPL_ENDOFUSERS and RPL_NOUSERS are used. RPL_USERSSTART must be sent first, following by either a sequence of RPL_USERS or a single RPL_NOUSER. Following this is RPL_ENDOFUSERS.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_NOUSERS
Format: "Nobody logged in".
If the USERS message is handled by a server, the replies RPL_USERSTART, RPL_USERS, RPL_ENDOFUSERS and RPL_NOUSERS are used. RPL_USERSSTART must be sent first, following by either a sequence of RPL_USERS or a single RPL_NOUSER. Following this is RPL_ENDOFUSERS.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACELINK
Format: "Link <version & debug level> <destination> <next server>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACECONNECTING
Format: "Try. <class> <server>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE
Format: "H.S. <class> <server>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN
Format: "???? <class> [<client IP address in dot form>]".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACEOPERATOR
Format: "Oper <class> <nick>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACEUSER
Format: "User <class> <nick>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACESERVER
Format: "Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> <nick!user|*!*>@<host|server>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACENEWTYPE
Format: "<newtype> 0 <client name>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACELOG
Format: "File <logfile> <debug level>".
The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSLINKINFO
Format: "<linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> <sent bytes> <received messages> <received bytes> <time open>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSCOMMANDS
Format: "<command> <count>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSCLINE
Format: "C <host> * <name> <port> <class>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSNLINE
Format: "N <host> * <name> <port> <class>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSILINE
Format: "I <host> * <host> <port> <class>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSKLINE
Format: "K <host> * <username> <port> <class>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSYLINE
Format: "Y <class> <ping frequency> <connect frequency> <max sendq>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFSTATS
Format: "<stats letter> End of /STATS report".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSLLINE
Format: "L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSUPTIME
Format: "Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSOLINE
Format: "O <hostmask> * <name>"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSHLINE
Format: "H <hostmask> * <servername>".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_UMODEIS
Format: "<user mode string>".
To answer a query about a client's own mode, RPL_UMODEIS is sent back.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LUSERCLIENT
Format: "There are <integer> users and <integer> invisible on <integer> servers".
In processing an LUSERS message, the server sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT, RPL_LUSEROP, RPL_USERUNKNOWN, RPL_LUSERCHANNELS and RPL_LUSERME. When replying, a server must send back RPL_LUSERCLIENT and RPL_LUSERME. The other replies are only sent back if a non-zero count is found for them.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LUSEROP
Format: "<integer> operator(s) online".
In processing an LUSERS message, the server sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT, RPL_LUSEROP, RPL_USERUNKNOWN, RPL_LUSERCHANNELS and RPL_LUSERME. When replying, a server must send back RPL_LUSERCLIENT and RPL_LUSERME. The other replies are only sent back if a non-zero count is found for them.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN
Format: "<integer> unknown connection(s)".
In processing an LUSERS message, the server sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT, RPL_LUSEROP, RPL_USERUNKNOWN, RPL_LUSERCHANNELS and RPL_LUSERME. When replying, a server must send back RPL_LUSERCLIENT and RPL_LUSERME. The other replies are only sent back if a non-zero count is found for them.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LUSERCHANNELS
Format: "<integer> channels formed".
In processing an LUSERS message, the server sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT, RPL_LUSEROP, RPL_USERUNKNOWN, RPL_LUSERCHANNELS and RPL_LUSERME. When replying, a server must send back RPL_LUSERCLIENT and RPL_LUSERME. The other replies are only sent back if a non-zero count is found for them.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_LUSERME
Format: "I have <integer> clients and <integer> servers".
In processing an LUSERS message, the server sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT, RPL_LUSEROP, RPL_USERUNKNOWN, RPL_LUSERCHANNELS and RPL_LUSERME. When replying, a server must send back RPL_LUSERCLIENT and RPL_LUSERME. The other replies are only sent back if a non-zero count is found for them.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ADMINME
Format: "<server> Administrative info".
When replying to an ADMIN message, a server is expected to use replies RLP_ADMINME through to RPL_ADMINEMAIL and provide a text message with each. For RPL_ADMINLOC1 a description of what city, state and country the server is in is expected, followed by details of the university and department (RPL_ADMINLOC2) and finally the administrative contact for the server (an email address here is required) in RPL_ADMINEMAIL.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ADMINLOC1
Format: "<admin info>".
When replying to an ADMIN message, a server is expected to use replies RLP_ADMINME through to RPL_ADMINEMAIL and provide a text message with each. For RPL_ADMINLOC1 a description of what city, state and country the server is in is expected, followed by details of the university and department (RPL_ADMINLOC2) and finally the administrative contact for the server (an email address here is required) in RPL_ADMINEMAIL.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ADMINLOC2
Format: "<admin info>".
When replying to an ADMIN message, a server is expected to use replies RLP_ADMINME through to RPL_ADMINEMAIL and provide a text message with each. For RPL_ADMINLOC1 a description of what city, state and country the server is in is expected, followed by details of the university and department (RPL_ADMINLOC2) and finally the administrative contact for the server (an email address here is required) in RPL_ADMINEMAIL.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ADMINEMAIL
Format: "<admin info>".
When replying to an ADMIN message, a server is expected to use replies RLP_ADMINME through to RPL_ADMINEMAIL and provide a text message with each. For RPL_ADMINLOC1 a description of what city, state and country the server is in is expected, followed by details of the university and department (RPL_ADMINLOC2) and finally the administrative contact for the server (an email address here is required) in RPL_ADMINEMAIL.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_TRACECLASS
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_STATSQLINE
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_SERVICEINFO
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_ENDOFSERVICES
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_SERVICE
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_SERVLIST
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_SERVLISTEND
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_WHOISCHANOP
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_KILLDONE
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_CLOSING
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_CLOSEEND
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_INFOSTART
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RPL_MYPORTIS
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_BADCHANMASK
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERR_NOSERVICEHOST
This numeric is no longer in use, reserved for future planned use or anything else.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char COLOR_INDICATOR
This is part of the mIRC code and shows that a color-code starts / ends. Here it is as the ASCII decimal int 3.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char BOLD_INDICATOR
This is part of the mIRC code and shows that bold starts / ends. Here it is as the ASCII decimal int 32.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char UNDERLINE_INDICATOR
This is part of the mIRC code and shows that bold starts / ends. Here it is as the ASCII decimal int 2.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char COLOR_END_INDICATOR
This is part of the mIRC code and shows that bold, underline and colors end. Here it is as the ASCII decimal int 15.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char COLOR_REVERSE_INDICATOR
This is part of the mIRC code and indicates that the client's colors are reversed (background -> foreground and foreground -> background). Here it is as the ASCII decimal int 1.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char ACTION_INDICATOR
This is part of the mIRC code and shows that a PRIVMSG is an ACTION (/me). Here it is as the ASCII decimal int 22.

See Also:
Constant Field Values